SHORT SHORT with English summary   July 2005   Yogurt   $B%h!<%0%k%H(B

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My homemade yogurt and fresh tomato A Swedish yogurt with Japanese name


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I love yogurts. I associate the yogurt with an early cool and fresh green summer morning, misty but glittering sunshine on the treetops.
But in my childhood, drinking the milk was not so common. Mother must make a contract with a milk company and then a special box would be installed there every early morning a milk bottle would be delivered. But this culture is just unusual as to go to the kindergarten for me.
My first contact with the milk happened after the world war$B-6(B at the school lunch$B!!(Btime when the skim milk (diluted lukewarm skim milk powder) would be served. No nice memories. But today I take 300cc yogurt every morning. I mean the plain yogurt without fruity taste.
In Sweden, there are some kinds of yogurts called filmilk rather similar taste and consistence as the ones called in Japan, the Caspian Sea type. You also can buy the sourer milk. For me it is very difficult to distinguish between the filmilk and the yogurt. Perhaps bacteriologists could do.$B!!(BMy favorite one is the one called longfil. It is very sticky and tastes mild. I love Japanese very sticky rice cake $B!H(BOmochi$B!I(B.
The best breakfast I have had has been served at a hotel in Istanbul, Turkey, with excellent yogurts and very fresh salads. In the mountains 300km from Istanbul towards Ankara, at a tiny village, the village people treated me with a pailful of yogurt, fantastic taste. The word yogurt is from Turkey.
To make the yogurts is nothing special for Turkish people. I also make by myself the yogurts in Tokyo. The trick seems to keep the temperature rather high, around 40$B!n(B, the hot bath water temp. Then after a half or one day, you get your perfect yogurt. The $B#b#a#c#t#e#r#i#a(B you can use are common plain yogurts from the super markets or the convenience stores. Add 2 soup spoonful of the plain yogurt to one litter milk, mix well and keep it warm. You may use any sort of milk. The low fat or no fat type milk is nearly better. To keep the temperature at a modern home, you can utilize bread-fermenting program of the microwave oven. You need not keep the oven on the whole time. It is quite exciting to find each time a slightly different taste and consistence
The fresh vegetables, tomato, cucumber or avocado added a pinch of salt and a big amount of the yogurt is fantastic. The cooked or pickled vegetables, $B!H(BNatto$B!I(B, $B!H(BNiso-soupe$B!I(B, curry dish and all sorts of fresh or canned fruits match perfect with the yogurts. The cooked or canned fish or meat is also very good with the yogurts. If you let the yogurt through the coffee-filter you get nice cottage cheese as the remainder. The filtered liquid is whey, very good for your skin-care and drinkable. Wouldn$B!G(Bt you try it under the summer vacation?

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