Short short with English summary



我々には何が出来るか。世界には北朝鮮と同じように乱暴な諸国がある。そういう諸国と同じ道徳水準に身を置けば北朝鮮に向けて同じように発射するという対抗手段をとることになる。この展開をエスカレートさせて、現に戦争をしている諸国・地域は世界中にいくつもある。しかし、日本人の大多数にとっては、知性が許さない。それでは何が出来るか? 国家元首レベルの親書を全世界各国に送って、意見、態度を問う。我々、民間庶民レベルでは、SNSを通して世界中の声を聞くことも出来る。 それとも、何もしないで首をすくめ、布団の中で枕の下で耳を塞ぐか? 貴方はどうしますか?

Violent nation
North Korea sent a ballistic missile directed towards Japan.
What can we do? There are some violent nations as North Korea. If we take the same response as those nations, Japan would send the same sort of missile towards North Korea. Today, there are many nations and areas where the cases have developed to the state of wars. People are killing each other. However, for most of us Japanese, our intelligence forbids to take this solution. What can we do then? Perhaps a personal letter from our head of state could be sent to the world's leaders asking their opinions and if they could take some actions. We as common persons could send SNS to people asking their opinions. Another alternative is that doing nothing, being in the bed, a head under the pillow.
What will you do?