Short short with English summary                         

現代は、西欧主導であった近世歴史展開の延長上にある。この西欧主導による歴史展開は、400年間続いた。その内容は、大陸規模の土地収奪、植民地化であった。そのガイドライン・ルールは、表面上は、美しい道徳、尤もらしい倫理、キリスト教の教条を唱いながら、実際には無関係、全く無視した植民地経営・経営競争だ。二十世紀の前半50年間を地球規模の殺戮破壊現場とした第一次・第二次世界大戦は、この歴史展開そのものである。UK USA USSR(旧ソ連連邦)、これら、連邦をうたった国名・国体は、植民地経営を正当化しようとする命名である。

A perspective of our civilization
Today’s world is on the line of the modern history’s development, the development lead by the western, European history. This development has continued for 400 years. The content of the development has been simple, the continental exploitation, i.e. the colonization. The rule, the guideline of the exploitation, has been the colony management and the competition between the colonizers. Their executions have nothing to do with the beautiful moral or agreeable code and the cause of Christianity, which were always on their parade flags. The first and the second world wars were exactly on the line of this history of modern civilization. The names of the nations such as “UK” “USA” “USSR” try to justify their colonization policies.
Big Ben in London is still for its first maintenance after 160 years. Japanese are celebrating the 150 years’ memorial year after their Meiji Reformation. Many Japanese youths made long or short study tours to London just before the Reformation. They became driving and key persons during and after the Reformation. I.e. they met the bright new Big Ben. The railroad had been in use already for 30 years in England. The tube in London started in1861. No wonder that the Japanese youths were shocked and tried to follow and to imitate British civilization. Regrettably and unfortunately, those clever but naive youths followed the British way of national management. Japan became one of the colonizers.
How is the situation of our world today? Obviously, the world nations are equal. Even if far from the perfection, the only one positive result from the W II. There is no colony left. After many twists and turns, the colonies are now independent. Those former colonizers are busy to pay back.
Nearly all the problems or conflicts we have today are the processes that the former colonizers must go through to recover and to re-establish their decency as respective nations. Recently there was a royal wedding, both UK and USA people congratulated. However, our world situation is full of darker sides than such a happy event. The world has many structural troubles. USA is in a long recession period and has had racial segregation troubles. UK and Europe with the massive immigration / refugees. Israel and Palestine conflict. The ethnic disagreements in Near East. In Asia and in Africa, the situations are very similar. Time runs. History proceeds. Our civilization turns. So long if we common folk elect politicians without moral but full of greed, we cannot expect better tomorrows.