Short short with English summary                         

ポピュリズムを悪者にする論が流行っている。 しかし、実は政治というものは、ポピュリズムが支えている。政治のみならず、社会そのものの存在・機能が大衆の意向、活動によっている。結局、大衆が生き、働き、消費することが、この世の中を意味のあるものとしていると言うことだ。
見回せば、政治に限らず、ラジオ・テレビ・新聞雑誌・ウェブサイトといった、パブリシティーのメディア上を飛び交う諸々の言葉、すなわち、マンション広告・保険・健康ドリンク・英語英会話教育・サラ金ローンこれらは、全て、言いたい放題である。 広告・宣伝と嘘・騙しを区別し、正確に定義づけるのは不可能だ。正業と犯罪の境界線、まさに刑務所の塀の頂き、幅狭い一線上に並んでいる。
では、大衆の特徴はと、白雪姫の女王様のように鏡に訊いてみれば、鏡は答えて、それはお前のことだよ。 そこで、私自身をとくと見つめてみれば、待てない・原因と結果の時差・タイムラグを受け入れない。直接・簡明に感動する。嘘でも、間違っていても、感動する。 間接ばなしは、面白がって、きれいごととして、安楽椅子の批評家となる。餓えて、病に苦しむ子供たちのTV画面を見ながら、ビールを飲み、焼肉をムシャムシャ。 食事を中断、募金という人はいないし、エネルギー獲得戦争の被害者に心を痛めながら車に乗っている人はいない。地球温暖化の危険性などは、耳タコほどに繰り返しても、ある日、肉体的に直面するまで別世界のことだ。
こんな行動パターンの政治家達と投票者達で成り立っているのが、今日の世界である。 ところで、民主主義とは個人の意向を社会の仕組みに反映させる工夫であり、ポピュリズムとは、個人の意向を簡潔にまとめる工夫である。

Talk as you like
Somehow, we often have elections and referendums nowadays. There, the discussions are main means. It is obvious tendency that politicians talk as they like very freely.
To criticise this tendency, many people comment on the populism as a naughty ideology. However, in reality, the populism supports the politics. Not only the politics but also our society itself is standing on the foundation of wills and activities of the people. We live, work and consume which give our world life.
We are living in the midst of sea of words and slogans. Radio and TV broadcastings, newspapers and magazines, web sites, these media talk a lot. I.e. advertisement of real estates, insurances, health drinks, language schools and the credit cards with favourite loans, all of them talk as they like. Can you distinguish and define correctly “Advertisement or Propaganda”, “Lies or Fakes”? They are on a line, on a thin boarder between decency and crime.
Those floods of words aim to us. They have one and common character. They are well thought, nicely coated, sharply focused and sent to us via well-chosen medium. We are careless and defenceless to receive and accept them. The information is one-way traffic.
Why do we simply dance after those suspicious words? What is it in our character? When I ask to my magic mirror as the queen in the snow white story did. My mirror replied, “Look at yourself.” I found myself having such character as, eager to get quick result, difficult to wait and accept the time rag between cause and consequence, easily moved by the simple and direct dramatic story even if the story might be rather suspicious.
We are good smart critics sitting on a cosy armchair. A TV sending of children in hunger in another part of the world do not disturb our appetite. People in a car seldom worry about wounded or killed women and children by the oil resource war. We hear every day the effects and risks of global warming. However, we take them as happenings somewhere far away until we meet them and physically being damaged.
Today, politicians and voters have these patterns of thoughts and actions. By the way, democracy is the means how to reflect a private personal will to the system of the society and populism is the means how to collect and simplify the wills of the people.