Short short with English summary                         

BC44年3月15日に、ジュリアス・シーザーは多数の元老院メンバーによって刺殺された。シーザーは、独裁者になろうと、政治的・軍事的活動のさなかだった。しかし、ローマは、早くも、BC27年には、ローマ帝国となる。その間17年。 1789年・フランス革命では、強大強力・中央集権の権化であった、ルイ・ブルボン王朝一家は全員殺戮され、共和制となった。ところが、この殺戮処刑劇はそのまま、独裁政権争いの殺し合いにつながる。そして、その事件の端役であった砲兵将校ナポレオンは、1804年フランス皇帝となる。その間15年。どうも、我々は、独裁制を好み、多頭制を避けるようなところがある。歴史教科書は、王・王朝・皇帝の名前で出来た鎖を蜿蜒と語る。

Dictatorship or Polyarchy
On the 15th of March BC44, a few members of the Roman senate assassinated Julius Cesar. He was trying to be the dictator. However only 17years later, in BC27, Rome became an empire. In AD1789, the French revolution slaughtered all the members of the Louis, Bourbons. France became a republic. But the guillotining’s drama continued to the fights after a dictatorship. Napoleon who was taking a part of the revolution as an officer of artillery became the emperor of France in 1804. Only 15years after the Revolution. It seems we prefer the dictatorship to the polyarchy. Our history books tell a long series of names of kings, dynasties and emperors.

Democracy, totalitarianism, socialism, capitalism and communism: The ideologies have been for a long time main thema of the science of the politics and economy. It looks as if today we are experimenting to find the better forms of a nation or community in our real world. The ideology is the skeleton of a form of a nation. However, the ideology is a theory. The refined, purified theory has a tendency to loose human sentiment, flesh and heart in our real life. The people of Stalin Soviet and Mao China went back to their old traditional pattern of culture so quickly just after the decease of their leaders.
Many nations in the world realized simple and pure ideology were not quite applicable for the skeleton of a nation. Most of world nations are applying a sort of modified, compromised form. The reality shows their population anyhow became two segregated groups, the major poor people and very few the riches. The ideal form of nation supported by the best ideology with full of dissatisfied people is not an ideal nation. We meet many titles in our history: King, Pharaoh, Emperor, Der Fuehrer, President or The paramount leader. The meaning is same i.e. a person with the dictatorship. Their limited knowledge and narrow perspective, their personal arbitral intention and decision made our history. However, even today, we cannot imagine the Vatican without the pope, a republic nation with an absent president.
So far, a dictator leads and governs a nation, a part from the nation’s ideology, the nation acts after his will. Atomic bombs fell ordered by President Truman, the Cultural Revolution executed by Mao Zedong. To get rid of the risks with the personal leaders we must seek for effects of polyarchy. It is a natural consequence to utilize the concept of “Time and Space”. I.e. we should change our leader often. We should avoid a long termed government. Then, we might be free from the nightmares such as a-bomb competitions, transcontinental missile races and the easy-going militant solutions.