Short short with English summary                         

ポテト 玉蜀黍 トマト 唐辛子
アメリカ大陸は、北端・アラスカから、南端・チリ・アルゼンチンまで、一続きの陸地である。ヒトは、北から南へ、一万年位かかって、住み着いた。今から、二万年・三万年まえのことだ。つまり、今日まで、一万年間くらい住んできた。 ところが、ここ400年ほどで、居住者はまったく違う人々となった。 この、400年間の歴史は、人類の歴史として、一方的であり、壮絶な悲劇である。そして、現在の住民側からみれば、大繁栄、幸運の歴史である。
それはそれとして、ここでは、400年まえ迄一万年間のアメリカの話し。 とてつもなく広い地域に散らばった、狩猟・採集社会の一部、中南米一帯、全アメリカからみれば、極く限られた、しかし充分広い地域には、次第に、農耕文明の社会が築かれ、国家の形式を持つにいたった。 玉蜀黍、ジャガイモ・唐辛子・トマト文化である。玉蜀黍、ジャガイモ・唐辛子・トマトは、現在の、世界中の大変な数の人々にとっては、食文化の中心であり、彼らが、先祖伝来の伝統的食文化として疑わないほどの、大変な恩恵を与えている。
一般に農耕は、食料供給効率が良く、人口が増加し、共同生活、支配者・命令・統制・強制と、現代の社会体制の原理と構造を築いた。 しかし、不思議なことに、中南米の農耕社会は、文字を作らなかった。 文字は、為政者の権威主張・正当化のための、歴史・神話の記録に、さらに、人・物を支配する指示と伝達、統計、輸送連絡・確認に大変に有用であり、農耕社会にとっては、ほとんど必要不可欠である。 ことによると、中南米の農耕社会は数千年間という事なのかも知れない。ユーラシア大陸では、農耕社会は、一万年まえからで、そのほぼ中頃、今から五千年まえに、文字を使い始めたのだから。 とすると、この数千年間、多分、一万年の半分以下、という短期間に、よくも、これほど数多くの有用な食料を見つけ開発したものだ。また、文字が無くても、立派な都市・建築群・大規模な儀礼建築を構築出来たのには驚くばかりだ。
文字は、事象を抽象化し、論理の組み立て、推論に役立つことは、言うまでも無いが、文字にもてあそばれ、自己中心的考察・主張や、無知あるいは恣意的に起こる誤解の海に気づかずに漂っていることが多い。 世界には、独断・ドグマに満ちた書籍、演説が満ちている。 今日の世界の痛ましい不幸の元凶は、文字なのかもしれない。

Potato Maize Tomato Red pepper
From Alaska to Chili and Argentina, the American continents are one continual piece of land. Our ancestors walked and moved to the continents 20,000 / 30,000 years ago. And they settled in all over the continents for 10,000 years.
Recently, for these 400 years, the residents of the continents have totally changed their profile. The history of these 400 years was very one-sided merciless tragedy of the human race and has been prosperous lucky history for the today’s residents.
This essay is not about these 400 years. In those 10,000 years, some of the residents in the middle and southern parts of the continents established agricultural societies. They had developed their own civilizations and kingdoms. Those civilizations were based on the agricultural product; maize-corn, potato, red pepper and tomato. Today these are the basic food for the most of the European and the American people. They believe these products are the ingredients of their own old traditional cuisine culture.
The efficiency of the agriculture is very high to feed us. Therefore the population of the agricultural society inflates fast leading to larger community, to form nations with leaders often kings with absolute power. Kings, governing mechanism, order, control and compulsion; the fundamental structure of our modern society had been established as the natural consequence of the agricultural civilization. But those middle and southern American nations had not developed into the civilizations with the scripts. It was very strange. The scripts have been so important and indispensable for keeping and expanding agricultural societies. A king must claim his legitimacy. Therefore folklores must be composed and it was best if written and documented. Furthermore, for giving orders, for collecting information of crops’ results and for transporting the crops, there have been so many uses of the scripts. The American agricultural civilization might be much shorter than the one in Eurasia, there the agricultural society began 10,000 years ago and the usage of the scripts began 5,000 years ago. It was miraculous that old American people could find from their new natural surroundings such useful plants and developed to the basic food as maize-corn, potato, red pepper and tomato in such a short period probably less than 5,000 years. And it also was unbelievable they could build up the nations with great cities, monumental buildings without help of the scripts.
The historic times of human beings have been constructed on the scripts so as being named “the historic times”. But the nations in the old American continents had no scripts. The scripts make it possible to turn the concrete phenomena to the abstract ideas so that we can compose theories that could be developed to the conclusions. But we could be slaves driven by the usage of the letters and sentences, being miss lead by the dogmatic books and speeches. Today we are in the ocean of misunderstandings caused by ego centric thoughts and opinions. We are having a lot of severe problems. We keep wars killing each other. It might be the time to stop to blindly follow the scripts.