Short short with English summary                         

「極楽・極楽」子供の頃、お風呂で良く耳にした大人の嘆声だ。最も、戦前では、全て庭付とはいえ、貸家に住むのが庶民大多数であり、お風呂は,銭湯・公衆浴場にいくのが普通だった。それでも、皆、日暮れには、お風呂に行った。戦後すぐに作られた喜劇映画「東京五人男」でも、焼け跡の原っぱで、ドラム缶の風呂に入っていた。「お殿様でも家来でも、風呂に入るときゃ皆はだか・・・」と唄っていた。 この、際立ったお風呂好き国民性は日本だけで、中国・アジア諸国・欧米にもない、世界で日本だけの文化・風俗である。
しかも、入浴愛好は、日本では人間同様、猿でも同感大賛成なのである。(これは、欧米でもしばしばTV放送されて、有名です。) もし、文化という言葉を、人間社会における仕組み価値観の分類・定義の用語とすれば、日本人と日本猿の風呂好きは、文化以上に奥深いものということになる。 あるいは、日本猿は、我々の露天風呂入浴を木陰・岩陰から観察して真似をした、という仮説が成り立つのかも。ことによると、我々の先祖が猿の温泉入浴を真似してみたのが始まりなのかも知れない。
素晴らしい外気・景色。 月夜も、雨でも、雪でも快適・OKの露天風呂。 アイスランド・インドネシア・チリ・カリフォルニア、世界には温泉国は数多い、しかし、なぜ日本人は、これほど温泉好きなのだろうか? 世界の歴史上では、昔のローマ・カラカラ大浴場・ポンペイの邸宅浴室は立派な遺跡として残っている。 唐、玄宗皇帝と楊貴妃の、入浴の挿話は有名である。 ルネッサンス絵画の主題には、水浴びの女神が結構多い。当時の人々の間でも水浴が楽しまれていたということだ。 日本の温泉にまつわる話しでは、古事記の昔からと、よく言われるが、ローマのお風呂はそれよりも700年以上も前のことだ。
この入浴文化・風習は、消滅してしまったといわれるが、中世の男性の楽しみは、お風呂・酒食・彼女一組という沢山の絵画資料がある。西部劇でも、娼館では、お風呂で楽しんだらしい。入浴文化は、続いていたと考えるべきだろう。 回教圏文化では、ハンマーム・ハマムと称される公衆浴場がある。・・・イスタンブールでの体験・ハンサムな男性の湯女・背中洗いマッサージ・帰りには、並んで見送り・・・チョット怪しい雰囲気であった。 欧米でも高級マンションには、ジャグジーが据えられて、パーティーで大いに楽しんでいるらしいが、これは極く一部の社会階層で、今現在の風俗としては、世界最高級のホテルでも、入浴は楽しめない。 一方、日本では、家庭内の健康・健全な楽しみである。 ゴルフ場に大浴場が付いていないのは、考えられない。 温泉大浴場では、見知らぬ他人同士が当たり前。 さらに、露天風呂での混浴・・・。
”Oh, Paradise.” When I was a child I heard it many times taking a bath with grownups. In those days in Japan, most of us lived in wooden rental houses with small garden without bathroom. There were many public bathhouses. In principle we went to the bathhouse every day. In a comedy movie made just after the War in the winter 1945, people took bath in an open field surrounded by ruins and burnt houses in Tokyo but they were jolly and singing.
Japanese love to take bath, often extremely hot bath. This has been a very Japanese custom which we can find nowhere in the world. In Japan, not only we Japanese but also Japanese monkeys love to take hot bath. If a word “culture” is to define human pattern of life and custom, the affection and the enthusiasm to bathing in Japan which concern both men and monkeys could be rooted in us deeper than the just so called Japanese culture.
Concerning to the personal hygiene, there is another topic often taken up among Japanese. The toilet stools with shower are very common in Japan. It is useful and comfortable. You feel very clean. In Europe the bidet is used for the same purpose. Many Japanese staying or travelling in Europe feel uncomfortable, not to be cleaned so they dispute between WC stools with shower contra bidet. Actually a bidet is very functional. With bidet we can be sure of the result since our hand and fingers work better than shower spray anyhow we can’t control results visually. Only that it is not sure whether European men practice bidet regularly as Japanese men practice stool shower.
The hot springs in nature are fantastic: Fresh air, beautiful sceneries. Morning, evening, midnight, moon light, rainy day and snow, anytime, anywhere, always outdoor hot spring satisfy us. In the world, there are many countries with hot springs such as, Iceland, Indonesia, Chili and California. But Japanese are incomparably enthusiastic about hot spring bath.
In the history we find many proves of bathing culture for example Caracalla in Rome, villas in Pompeii and episode between Emperor Xuanzong of Tang and Yang Guifei. We find masterpieces of bathing goddesses in the Renaissance arts. People lived in the Renaissance must have liked bathing. In Japan talking about hot springs, we often refer to the old Japanese literatures from 8th century but the time of Roman bath houses was 1st century.
It is said those bathing culture had disappeared. But there are many pictures left from medieval time showing men enjoying bath, wine, meal and women. In Wild West movies, guys had nice time taking bath. I would say the bathing culture have continued up to today.
In Muslim culture, there are public bath houses, a sort of steam bath houses called hamam. I had an occasion to try it in Istanbul. The staff working there were handsome muscular men. When I left the amenity they made a neat line at the exit gate. The atmosphere was somehow delicate. In US and Europe, there are Jacuzzis. But to enjoy Jacuzzi is not common yet. In the western world, even in the most exclusive hotels, you can’t enjoy hot water bath. Their bathrooms are not water tight.
On the other hand, in Japan, taking hot bath is a daily family pleasure for health, hygiene and relaxation and also chatting, body contacts and communication. In Japanese style bathing in rather hot water, we are totally naked, no bathing suites. In the far out real countryside, even today there are male female mixed hot springs. The Japanese bathing culture is unique in the world.  You may love it.