Short short with English summary

今年も9月は短い月です。一年の四分の三を費やしたか、今年もあと僅かとなったか。こんな焦りは意味のないこととは知りながら、心の奥深くで感じているからでしょうか。 それとも、お盆休み、敬老の日、お彼岸と、なんとなく、抹香くさい休日が、短い間隔で並んでいるせいかも知れません。もっとも、現実は、海へ山へ、体育祭、学園祭と、休日の名前など考えてもみない世代の人口の方が多数派だろうとは思います。
「敬老の日」は、言語道断として、お盆と、お彼岸は、直接、仏教に結びつけられます。明治新政府は、仏教を目の敵にして、「廃仏毀釈」などと、お寺を荒れるがままにし、幾多の国宝を海外に流出させ、敗戦まで、国家祭日は、「紀元節」「春季・秋季皇霊祭」「新嘗祭」と神道に基づく天皇家の行事名だったことは、今日では、綺麗に忘れ去られました。 そして、それでも、それらの日付はそのまま残っているというのは、どんな議論がされ、誰が決めて、法令化されたのか、不思議なことです。「文化の日」が、「明治節」(明治天皇誕生日)だなどと思い巡らせる人は、いないでしょう。
I feel September is short. I have already spent three quarters of this year. Only three months are left. This feeling is perhaps evoked by the fact that in Japan, from August to September, we have a series of holidays which are pious and Buddhistic, not only originated from Buddhism but deeply rooted in Japanese way of life. Around the 15th of August, the famous Shinkansen, super express trains, and the domestic air lines are fully packed by the families visiting their home towns, their family graves. The younger generation might not anymore associate those holidays with their ancestors or family grave. For them those days are the holidays for going to the seaside or mountains or to enjoy playing sports.
Until the end of the 2nd world war, August 1945, many national holidays had been Shintoism, the days when the Emperor’s ritual ceremonies would be held. Today, none of our national holidays are named after Shintoism, but the dates are exactly same as old days. Nobody questions about the names, the meanings and the dates of the national holidays. At funeral ceremonies, most of them are held according to Buddhist rites, a Buddhist priest prays quite long. If you carefully listen to his prayer , you would find the prayers are mixed with Sanskrit, old classic Chinese, both of them nobody understands, and Japanese.
Perhaps, how to spend the holidays are important, and the language and words have very little to do with the living religious mind. Japanese are good people therefore Japan might be a good nation.