しかし、住み家・住宅を種にした犯罪は、通常の悪徳商法と全く性格が異なり、あらためて別枠として対処されるべきだと私は考えます。家族団欒・休息・安眠を守る頭上の屋根は、 全国民に約束されねばならない国の負う当然の責務です。住居を業務用施設・建造物・投機対象リゾート等と同列に置いてはなりません。マンション耐震性偽装問題を、 単なる一商品の悪徳商法として取り上げ、分析・糾弾している限り、我々の社会は、住居産業の犯罪をタイヤの外れる大型トラック事件と同等同列と認識していることになります。
住居の購入は、だれでも子供達の成長、両親の、いや我々自身の老齢化までをも視野に入れ考慮を重ねて行う人生最大の買い物です。住居購入ローンの返済期間は、25年間・35年間という長さです。金融機関に、一生の半分以上を前倒しに売り渡すことです。 住居は、不動産業界・建設業界の商品・物件ではないのです。
Quaking Japan
We Japanese love bathing, especially the open-air hot spring bathing. Photo pictures of Japanese monkeys in an open-air hot spring are well known. The beautiful sceneries with many hot springs and frequent earthquakes are somehow sticking together. Therefore big earthquakes and tsunamis visit us rather often. The Japanese building technology against the earthquakes has been developed through the experiences and has high standard in the world.
A big scandal has happened that quite numbers of tall-multistoried flats with false construction engineering against the earthquake have been sold by a group of developers, engineering consultants and contractors.
But the dishonest businesses haven't been unusual. We have had many of them. The wristwatches, the handbags and the sneakers, there are so many fake exclusive brands goods. Some people consciously buy and enjoy them as a joke.
We have had larger scale organized dishonest businesses. Often our government, the authorities, the industries and the academic people work together. "The Minomata disease", "The asbestos disaster", and "The AIDS disaster" are just some of them. For many years well-known facts have been concealed from us such as the cancer developing effect and the high-risk AIDS contaminated transfusion blood.
But the crimes concerning the housing shouldn't be considered as just one branch of many malicious businesses. This is a grave sort of crime. To supply and to secure a roof on each one of the population are one of the bases of modern nations. The housings shall not be considered just like the building products as profitable real estates such as office or industrial buildings and resort facilities for the speculation.
So long when we pick up, analyze and accuse these housing crimes as a part of the dishonest businesses series, we regard the earthquake collapsing housings and the tire loosing lorries equally.
When we purchase our house, we think long, hesitate, and try to see our future, children, parents, and our coming old age. For most of us it is the most expensive adventure in our life. We take loans, i.e. borrow money. The loans are very long termed, for 25 years or for 35 years. We sell out our future life to the banks.
We have gone through a period called the bubble economy. The financial institutions sold us the memberships of the golf clubs. When the period got over and the membership lost its mortgage value, the debt remained to the loan takers. The government with our tax money compensated the remained debt for the banks, which they couldn't collect. If the victims of the false constructed flats must hold the debt of the loan, and must add another extra loan for their new flats, then the banks shall enjoy repeating their big fortune.
Our education and medical care systems are a matter of moneymaking businesses. Now our housing system is proved to be also moneymaking business.
How long shall we follow the route toward the money dominating society ?