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SHORT SHORT with English summary January 2006
The third generation    三代目

「唐様で、売据と書く三代目」   (唐様・中国風書体)(売据・居抜きで売る)。
初代が興し、二代目は発展させ、三代目が潰す例は、今日でも決して珍しい出来事ではありませんね。 これはどうも、一商家・一企業に限ったことではないようです。 我が国が戦後復興、経済大国を経て、無事平穏・無気力・少子化国家となりつつある現状は、まさに三代目の実例といえましょう。 この崩壊の原因は、二代目の教育失敗、三代目の自覚欠如ということが通説となっています。 しかしそのような、勤勉・努力で解決される事柄よりもっと深い、避けがたい理由があるのではないでしょうか。 
見回すと、一人っ子が目立ちます。我が国では一人の女性が一生に産む子供の数は、1,29人だそうで、東京都に限ると1,0人だということです。このまま続けば、一世代後でもう我が国の人口は半分近くにまで減ることになります。 我々人類は、男女一組で子供をつくるので、この指数が2人で、全ての新生児が一生を全うするとすれば、次世代の人口は増減無しということです。 現実には、僅かながら事故・病死があるので、一人の女性が2人の子供を作っていると、その社会の人口は減り続けるのです。 一人っ子同士が結婚すると、早かれ遅かれ、そのカップルは、両方のご両親の財産を手に入れます。家は二軒、家具も二軒分というわけす。もしも、ご両親に車や別荘があったりすれば、これも二台・二軒ですね。
人間は、太古の昔から口に入れる食べ物、今夜の屋根を得るためには、努力をしなければなりませんでした。これは、人生のストレスであり、向上心の動機でした。  人口増加の速度は、地表面積の生産性向上速度では補えないことは、経済学上の古典です。百姓・町人・武士、階級を問わず、次男・三男・次女・三女の身の振り方は深刻な問題でした。
今日の日本国民は、自国の繁栄・安定を当然とし、紙面を賑わす大きな話題は、ゲーム機器とそのソフトを巡る大企業間の争い、外国・宇宙への観光旅行、世界規模のスポーツ祭典です。TV番組では、グルメ・飽食・グロテスクな大食が定番です。鈍感・無恥なジャーナリズムは、この外見上の繁栄・安泰の陰には、ボーナスに無縁の人々が数多いことを語らず、街のサービス・肉体作業は、バイトと呼ばれる、その場限りの、ニート NEET、フリーターそれからいわゆる主婦に支えられ、彼らが社会の労働力の鍵となっていることを語りません。
国・自治体・大小企業あらゆる組織に無責任病が蔓延しています。人生の唯一の規範はお金になってしまいました。地下鉄車内は、居眠りか低俗な週刊誌に読みふける男達・無作法なオバサン達・若者達・ガキとしか言いようのない子供たちに充ちています。 これは、我が国のみならず世界中の傾向のようです。

The third generation
There are several very popular classic titles of Japanese comic stories originated in the Edo period. One of them is "The third generation". The founder, the first, establishes a company and works hard. The second develops it. The third leads it to the bankrupt. Even today these phenomena are not at all rare.

When I look around I realize the procedure is not limited among the shops or the establishments. The modern history of Japan is typical. It has started with the post-war rehabilitation, followed by the economic big power and today Japan has become the nation of lethargic population and of the fewer number of children.
The cause of the collapse is commonly explained, that the second has failed the upbringing of the third and the third has forgotten his ancestor's enormous effort. But I think there is a cause that is hidden in the depth of the nature and can't be solved by the diligence and effort.
Today, obviously there are many families with a single kid or even with no kid. According to the statistics, a Japanese woman gives birth to 1,29 child under her whole life, and a Tokyo woman 1,0 child. If this tendency continues, Japanese population shall be reduced to a half after only one generation. A woman and a man are inevitable to produce a child i.e. two makes one. Therefore the index must be slightly over 2,0 to keep the population even. If the index were 2,0 then the population gets less since there are always some death cases by accidents and by deceases.
When an only son and an only daughter marry, the couple shall inherit the properties from the both parents. Two houses and double furniture. Perhaps double cars and summerhouses.
We human beings have been always worried and chased to get something to eat and somewhere to over night. This stress has motivated our effort and improvement.
We take it for granted today that all of us enjoy the prosperity and the stability of our nation. The big news we read or see are the fight between huge companies around the game machines and their softwares: the tours to the resorts or even to the moon: the world championships. TV sends programs of extravagant gourmet and grotesque eating competitions. The journalism is so unresponsive and shameless that they would not take up the subjects such as existing so many people without the BONUS, the fact that the most of the maintenance works and service works are by the so-called "Arbeit". Today, the occasional workers: NEET, the permanent part-timers and housewives are the key persons of our community.
So Japanese are getting to be ignorant and to be simple optimist. Believing in no troubles, certain about foods and roof for tomorrow, we are quickly transforming ourselves from the poor large families to the families of fewer numbers of children with less housekeeping and less bring up labors. Keeping an idle life and letting the time slip away, your wealth, your properties shall be double. When you believe in this future, it must be very hard not to become gutless, irresponsible "the third generation".
At the states government level, at the autonomy level, at the large or small establishment level, at all the organizations level, we meet the disease called irresponsibility syndrome. The monetary economy has become the norms of our life. In the subway car we meet men reading vulgar weekly magazines or dozing, meet rude women, youths and kids. This tendency seems spread all over the developed countries not only in Japan. I am afraid the real reason is rooted in our very unnatural way of life. I mean we have long time ago separated the pleasure of sexual doings from the act of generation.
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