SHORT SHORT with English summary   August 2005   Cardless society   カードレス社会

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考えてみると、現実の支出パターンの多くは、固定的で、繰り返しが大部分だと思います。だから、今でもお店と顔見知りならば「つけ」は可能のはずです。世の中が悪くなったので不安というのだったら一定金額前払い、つまりプリペイドにしたらどうでしょう。 つり銭いらず、両替いらず、認識・確認・防犯対策技術不要の信用システムです。
それにはきっと、生活・生活圏・買い物の仕方を見直し、近所付き合いを見直す、生活態度・姿勢の変更、下準備が必要でしょう。目の届く 聞こえる 触れられる 匂いが届く 限られた距離 アナログを大切にしましょう。本物の信用関係を築くことが出来れば、そうすれば、カードレス・キャッシュレス社会になるかも。

A cardless society
A huge amount of the credit card's personal data has leaked out from a company that has been managing, conducting all of our credit shopping data in USA. The bad people must be very busy now to cut the data to convenient sizes according to their purposes.
Not only these leaks but also the fact that few companies taking care of all of the well-known credit card systems shocked me. These companies might be covering the entire world. A glimpse of the financial giants' close collaboration was disclosed. It is said that the pattern of our personal shopping shall be analyzed and the transactions out of the pattern shall be suspected. My history of the consumption has been kept recorded and is going through their control. I don't feel nice and I don't like it. It is a financial terrorism I hate.
Just a few years ago, big campaigns to introduce us the credit cards went over Japan. Today many of us have specially designed wallet with multiple pockets for the cards. Ugly and bad taste I feel.
A wave of new type crime challenges us. Since to get the code number is the key, skimming and grilling escalate to tortures and murders. From the appearance of a card you can never guess if the card is fat and rich or not. And the card gives you possibilities of loan or so-called revolving payment. If you find a wallet with cash, the difference is so obvious between fat, thick and thin, poor.
The naming, "Credit card" is misleading so that the common people would misunderstand themselves to be trusted by the financial world that actually would hardly give them credit. Today, the Japanese super banks openly have the money-lending firms with their incredibly expensive loan plans. Such types of financing activities have long been illegitimate in our society. Today for the banks, the profitability for themselves must be superior over any other social functions.
Talking about the cashless society, we had it in the Edo period: 17th, 18th and 19th century. From the very poor people to the very rich, people would buy things without cash payments. These transactions were possible because they were acquaintances. They knew each other very well. They had a month's or a year's credit.
Our pattern of expenditures is rather fixed and repeating. The old fashioned, real credit can be established if we know each other a little better.
Perhaps our way of life, territory and shopping style should be changed. We ought to have better neighborhood communication and friendlier attitude. The physical distance: visible, audible, touchable and being able to sense the kitchen smell should be revalued. We live in the analogue world. When we live in the functioning community our society might be cardless and cashless.

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