SHORT SHORT with English summary   June 2005   June bride   $B%8%e!<%s%V%i%$%I(B
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June bride
There are many weddings in June. We have the weddings both in Japanese style and western style. In many cases the bride wears her wedding dress both in the Japanese and the western style at one and same wedding party. The dresses used to be gorgeous and expensive.  One does not expect or foresee to marry several times, usually. Therefore it is rather popular to utilize rental dress system.  We Japanese are pragmatic, rational and not terribly religious. The wedding or the funeral would be planned after the cost. The plans are presented and sold with the set-prices: A fixed price including all the necessaries. A clever and smart choice from restaurant's menu is the second top, from the wine-list the second bottom.  Why not our wedding.
In Chinese character, "value" and "price" are rather similar.  For us Japanese it sounds as if they are tightly related each other. But this relationship is very thin or doesn't exist.
We valuate things sometimes by the usefulness sometimes by the price. There are things with only the prices such as stocks and gold bars. Even the sceneries and bodylines can be price labeled. " A million dollars' legs." is an American taste of expression.
The useless things are often described only by the cost: Jewelry, antics, fine arts and architecture. The music is valued by sales rank: "Top ten."  We seldom argue against the rank that the jewelry and the costume would have higher value with higher price. But when I say, "A person with expensive jewelry and costume is reliable." I would expect a lot of booing. Not so many of you would choose your life's partner by the price of his/her costume and accessories.  But such components as "From better university, higher income and having Mercedes" are not so easy to neglect. It is delicate.
Once we replace the value to numerical expression we can judge easily. But we loose many other valuable aspects. School entrance examinations or valuation of your company, the unfortunate lives led by the numerical valuation points are so common. And the greater part of our society is unfortunately based upon this numerical expression. The mechanism of our world is so well done that the more you spend and devote your life to this value-price replacement, you are promised the better sum of the pension you might get.   Isn't it interesting?

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