見えてくることの例 不思議なこと。
妙な国境線 直線で山越え野越え、地形・民族・文化完全無視。
ちなみに、イスラエル国内のユダヤ人は、約350万人。 単一文化・言語のクルド人の人口は、約3000万人、トルコ南東部内だけでも、約1500万人。
国家とは、個人の権益執行の代理人。 宗教戦争・世界観戦争と自ら定義づけて居る、資源確保・収奪の争いが盛ん。
皆さんも、見返りシミュレーションをしてみませんか? 見返り美人は招いています。
A beautiful Japanese lady is waiting for
Forecast, prognosis, estimation, expectation,
prophecy, and prediction, we like to know
our future. When it concerns to the stock
market or horseracing, we have the tipsters.
Our eagerness to see tomorrow could be driven
by our deep fear to meet the death waiting
for us. On economy, on weather, on demography,
we have many super clever groups of people;
their profession is to give us prognosis.
Perhaps it might be giving and interesting
to do the simulations to look back, to retrospect
from the time of 200, 300 years in future,
to today. We shall find boundary lines going
straightly crossing mountains, forests and
fields without taking any consideration for
the people there with long history and culture.
We shall find a lot more very interesting
phenomena such as our planet’s natural resources
being taken as a private well of treasure,
or the campaign often armed campaign after
the resources being called the war for the
democracy. Would you try the retrospect simulations?
Why not.
A beautiful Japanese lady is waiting for
you. |