Short short with English summary


私が最初に驚いたのは、女王の柩をスコットランド内で移動するのに使用された車がベンツの霊柩車だったことだ。英国人のプライドは何処にいってしまったのだろう。多分一番頑丈なのがベンツということか。色々ワイルドな連想推測をした。御子息御夫婦四人が揃った画像も興味をひいた。女王生存中にはありえなかったことだ。嫁姑の確執は世界中の共通家庭内紛争である。亡き女王も家庭内紛争では悩まされたのは周知の事実であり、微笑ましかった。一般家庭だと次の問題は遺産相続であるが??? お元気な姿での公務から突然の訃報だった。普通なら訃報とともにご病状・対応・・・と発表されるものだが、今回は大変遅れて今日発表された。腑に落ちない、いかにも嘘っぽいものだ。何か高齢女性の日常生活に起こった劇的事件が、と思えてならない。

Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II died the September 8. She appointed the new prime minister the September 6. At the ceremony, she looked healthy smiling on the TV. Therefore, the news covered the world as one big series. The most of the pictures of TV are released from one resource, we all watched the same pictures from the first news to the end of national funeral ceremony. I also watched the TV programs. Very interesting pictures.
I was surprised that they transported the coffin in a German car Benz. Did British people lost their pride? Perhaps they could not find more robust car than Benz. I developed my wild association what might happen under the transportation. Two sons with their wives were on the TV. It would never happen while the queen lived. The conflict between a wife and her mother-in-law is internationally very common. It was well known the queen had many family conflicts. I smiled. In a common family, we expect the inheritance conflicts are next to come. ??? ??? The news of the death of Queen was astonishing after her healthy smiling figure at the ceremony with the new prime minister. In this sort of case, the government usually announces what the disease was and how the procedure went. However, the announcement came to us after 20 days of her death. It was unusual. The announcement said she died of “old age”. I sense there might be some dramatic happening for the old lady.
The national funeral was solemn and magnificent. The people attended were in regular navy uniform. It reminded me the old great British Empire. I recognized the problems of colonization and emigrants. Unsafe London. The elegant life written by Agatha Christy would never return.