Short short with English summary
愛と所有 この世の中は、所有関係で満ちている。住居・資産・会社・街並み、どこを見ても、所有側と被所有側が、せめぎあっている。多くの法律も、所有関係を明らかにして、守り、守らせるためにある。人間関係も、見方によっては、所有、被所有の関係だ。だが、そこには、何段階もの強度、程度の差がある。また、時間の経過に従い変化し、一定・恒常・不変のものではない。この人間関係独特の特徴を、より注意深く丁寧に観察すると、人生の、社会の、理解が深くなり、適切な対応をし易くなる。 親子の関係、特に母親と子供の関係は、時間の経過とともに変化する良い見本だ。妊娠・出産・育児は、自然界・動物の世界で何億年も継承され厳守されて来ている。母親は、本能に従って、子供を所有物と信じて疑わない。しかし、子供には、母親に所有されているという理解は、初めから無い。殆んどの動物たちにとっては、親離れ、子離れは、次の瞬間には、食うか食われるかの関係が始まる瞬間だ。人間の親離れ・子離れが難しいのは、当然である。 ここで、親子関係を離れ、自分を主役とする愛の物語を演じてみよう。時間の経過とともに変化する愛情の姿が現れてくる。自分を主役とすると解りやすいのは、所有と、自己中心、主観とは、切っても切れない関係だからだ。そこで、中心人物・配役を入れ替え、主観と客観を交替させみると、ア・ソウカ、ナルホド・ナルホド、ということになる。 Love and Ownership The ownership is a basis of our society. At home, with estate, in company or at any sort of place, there are full of the owners and the owned matters. Many laws are to define and to protect our ownerships of the things. Our human relations are also a form of the ownership. However, human relationship is not as simple as the relations between the owners and the owned things is. There are several characteristic points in our relationships. There are delicate grades. Moreover, the relationships change after the continuous lapse of time, they are not constant and fixed. If you study and watch them carefully, we could deepen our understanding of our life and society. The relationship between parents and children, especially between mothers and their children are good example of the altering relationships following the lapse of time. Pregnancy, delivery and breeding are under the strict and firm rule in the world of animals for hundred millions of years. A mother instinctively has the natural reason to believe that she owns her child. However, her child has no feeling nor understanding of being owned by its mother. As for many of animals, the moment when a mother leaves her child / children, the relationship between them turns out to be the relations between predators and baits. We say it is not easy to let our children be independent. This feeling is natural. Here we develop our thought. We leave studies of the relationship between mothers and children. Imagine you play a love story and you are the main cast. Then you understand easily and clearly that a relationship changes after the passing time. The relationship changes, develops, returns again, then you realize that a story has become a history. The sense of ownership is egocentric therefore when we change the roles of your story and cast the object figure as the main figure, and then you see a very new perspective. Now you can see your “real love story”. |