Short short with English summary
取り巻き 取り巻きは、親玉の言うなりに働き、即刻、正確、勤勉で,その行動規範は忖度である。さもなければ馘首・抹殺、死刑の場合もある。不都合なことに、そして又、物の道理でもあるが、この取り巻きの迎合・狭量・近視眼的知識が、親玉が最も信用する情報源だ。世界の親玉たちの言行、知的水準・精神的熟成度が、酷似しているのは当然だ。 動物の群れが移動を始める時を、丁寧に観察すれば、じわじわ・だんだん、それから、一気に一斉に移動を始める。無統制、混乱のパニックはまず起こらない。鳥・猿・羊・牛・馬、自然界では、彼らは、見回して、変化の気配をとらえ移動する。 民主制であろうと専制独裁制であろうと、この見回して、変化の気配をとらえる・ポピュリズムが人気を作り、政権を支える。そして、政治家達にとってのポピュリズムとは、取り巻きが供給する情報である。今日の世界は・・トランプ・プーチン・習・キム・・極端な取り巻き政治の標本室だ。 我々庶民にとっての情報源はなにか。それは、マスメディアである。マスメディアは多種多様、無数にあるようだが、実は全て支配者の意向に沿って編集調整済みであり、消費者の動向を汲々として追う、広告業界から供給されている。何のことはない、地球を取り仕切る数名の大親分たちの取り巻き情報であり、実はその根底は景気という消費者動向だ。 核兵器・原発・民族浄化・武力行使・テロリズム・・・世界は今日も明日も、単純・素朴で明快な仕組みの通りに進む。我々消費者の意向・行動が変わらない限り、一年後も十年後も現状通りということだ。 Henchmen The henchmen work after their boss. They do immediately, exactly and hard, surmising the intention of their boss. Otherwise, a henchman must expect to be fired, sometimes verbally to be fired. Unfortunately, and as the matter of the nature, those henchmen’s opportunistic, narrow and short sight knowledge are the most reliable information resource for the boss. There are a few big bosses in the world. It is natural and logical that those bosses have very similar level of intelligence and of spiritual ripeness. Their sayings and doings are terribly alike. When a flock begins to move, if you observe carefully, a few of them starts slowly and gradually its group follows, then they all together move to a same direction. Scarcely unorganized, panicked confusion happens. Birds, monkeys, sheep, cows and horses, they look around and sense a new atmosphere and take a new direction. Either under a democratic system or a despotic ruler, the populism, i.e. looking around and sensing a new wave, supports its government. The populism for the politicians consists of the information supplied by their henchmen. A fatal spiral. Today we find us as if looking into a sample room of extreme henchmen politics. Almost all of the leaders we have are driving firm and well-established henchmen’s system. What are our information resources then? They are mass media. There are many and different types. However, in reality, information they supply us is similar being adjusted and edited after the intentions of the government. The government looking for the populism’s supportive information. This information is practically from the advertising industry searching and speculating the consumer’s tendency. I.e. our consumption steer the tendency of the populism, which leads our world policy. Nuclear weapons, nuclear generators, ethnic cleansing and terrorism, our world is marching along a simple and clear system prepared by the populism. Today tomorrow next year next ten years, we will live in a same world just as today. Unless we would not alter our way of life. |