Short short with English summary                         

ワールドカップが終わった。言うまでもなく、世界の国対抗選手権である。しかし、選手達の風貌からは国籍が解らなくなった。多分、ポジテイブな傾向だろうが、その歴史的背景を考えると心が痛む。そもそも、国家とはなんだろうかと思う。プレイとスタンドの応援が交互に放映されるが、選手と応援団を取り替えても不自然ではない感じさえする。 プレイを観ると、自在に球を扱い、正確無比に球を送り、驚異的なスタミナで走るのには、唯々感心する。素晴らしいプレイの背後にある狡さにも驚く。サッカー放映鑑賞の楽しみは、素晴らしいプレイと巧みなずる賢さの二つである。 サッカー放映の合間にニュースが挟まれている。政治ニュースを観ていて、そのままサッカー放送の意味・内容に置き換えられると思った。 国籍・国家の意味、有意義性。発言・行動・真意の関係。道徳と倫理。スポーツ放映は、モニター上でプレイ身体動作のみを観察し楽しむのだが、私は、考え込み、連想に連想を重ねることになる。

World Cup 2018
World Cup is over. World Cup is the championship gages fighting between the nations. However, it is not so easy and clear to determine a nation through the appearances of their players. It must be a positive development of the world, but when I consider the historical background, I cannot just be happy and glad. I ponder what a nation is, what a nationality is. TV sends pictures of plays and cheering people by turns. It might not make any fatal difference if the TV pictures sent wrong combination of a team and a cheering people. I was impressed by those fantastic skills of foot works, precise and accurate kicks and endless stamina. I was also very much impressed by the tricks and cunning plays hidden behind those beautiful plays. I would tell you the pleasure of football watching is to look at nice plays and to detect cunning dramas too. Can you enjoy the cunning dramas?
At a half-time interval, TV news were on air. I thought the political news were quite similar to football. I associated political news to the thought occurred watching football plays i.e. the meaning of nations, of nationalities, the relations between statement and act and intention behind and then about moral and ethics. Sports programs of TV shows plays, physical actions, however my thought develops, and my association goes further more to our complicated human nature.