Short short with English summary                         

人類は古来、徘徊して来た。 食物採集、危険回避環という動物すべてにとって逃れられない、生命保持という根源的要因が、環境観察に励み、好奇心の発展・充足に幸せを感じ、満足する性格を作った。 キノコ・木の実・昆虫・小動物の採集、生態探求であり、捕食者・加害動物の予知・回避である。 ということは、これまでの人類は、小児から死期を待つ老人まで、徘徊の内容・意味は変わらなかった。

We all get old. Many of us get dementia and a typical behaviour of it is to wander. For the one who wanders, each moment in wandering has a purpose. Only their wanderings are unorganized without total plan, without continuity. The activity seeking for meeting people and interesting events to happen. It is a healthy harmless activity, nothing to be ashamed.
We human beings have wandered for millions of years. To pick up something to eat, to avoid approaching dangers, these inevitable deeply rooted causes for survival made our character such as to watch our surroundings, to feel happy in developing and satisfying our curiosity. We searched, sought and picked mushrooms, nuts, berries, insects and small animals. We wandered avoiding predators. I.e. the contents and the meaning of the wandering have been same for the children, for the adults and for the aged.
Our civilization has changed tremendously in the recent 50 years. The amount of information increased enormously. The stored data volume and the velocity of their transmission are incredible. Both of them are over our capable perception. Therefore, the huge volume of the data must be arranged and pigeonholed. For this handling, the statistical method guided by personal intentions must be applied. The personal intensions reflect the economic power balance in our society where the greed wins.
Today we are wandering in a world of smartphone, games and SNS. These wanderings are busy, quick and hurried ones with short-circuited reactions. The activity is unintellectual, often simple mass-hysteria, wasting time and energy fighting with passing huge valueless information. The old people wandering in town might have better time.