Short short with English summary                         

自然界は、捕食・共食いの鎖で成り立っている。 限られた空間内にいくつかのグループが並存し、それぞれ膨張すると、お互いに触れ合うようになる。接触面では、相互の侵食・攻撃・防衛という摩擦が起こる。この接触面は、グループ間の勢力バランスの変化とともに、常に移動・変動する。 国境線の固定化はありえないし、其の設定に大義正義はない。 これが、不毛な歴史学習の大部分である。
霊長類は、250万年もの間、狩猟・採集生活をしてきた。これは、自然界の諸動物の行動パターンと変わらない。 その後我々の祖先、ヒトは、農耕・栽培社会を築いた。農耕は人類の文明の第一歩であり、定着して文化となった。今から一万年まえのことだ。 
農耕文化は、播種・収穫を基盤とする。そこで、季節・天候の予想という未知・未来の世界に踏み込まざるを得ない。 猛暑・冷夏、暖冬・厳冬、多雨・乾燥・・・今日の我々が直面し、予測・対応に苦しんでいる事象だ。 その対応策・指針を示し、実績を認められると、グループの指導者となり、王となる。 すなわち、支配者・命令・統制・強制と、我々のよく知る、王・一族・家臣・奴隷という典型的上下ピラミッド構造を作った。 この一連の、極めて自然な歴史の展開とともに、グループ間の摩擦も、王のもとに組織化され、戦争が異常ではなく、日常生活となった。
そして不都合なことに、戦争の主役である兵士の構成要素すなわち、捕虜・奴隷側は、戦争従事・戦闘を、収入源、生活向上の手段としてきた。彼らは、決して愛国心から命をかけて闘ったのではない。 戦争・戦闘の歴史は、傭兵の歴史であり、貧しき者達を主役とする歴史であった。  今日・現在でも、先進国・後進国を問わず、職業軍人は、身分・収入・将来を保障され、一流企業官公庁勤務と同一視されている。
現代社会は、工業化・世界産業化したとはいえ、農耕社会の構造は、そのまま残っている。国際的・国内的な階級化・格差は、まさに、農耕社会そのものである。 支配者側は、この構造を維持せねばならず、暴力により強制した。悪いことに、中世・近世・近代・現代と歴史の進行と共に、この暴力は、軍隊・軍事産業と、逆行的進化をしている。古代社会における人間の生贄・祭儀は、自爆テロの形となった。福島原発事故の住民も、逃れようの無い社会的強制による、生贄である。原発被害者たちは、テロ集団になるかもしれない。

We and Wars
1972 i.e. 44 years ago, I worked in Muttra Oman. On holidays I used to swim in the Strait of Hormuz. My office and residence were along the air strip where RAF transport planes left for the war front loaded with soldiers and arms. The planes returned carrying the wounded and dead. There was a war between South and North Yemen. In South Yemen, still a war is on today.
The natural world is structured by the chains of predation and cannibalism. When there are groups of animals coexisting in a limited space, the groups come into contact with each other. At the surface of contact, it is inevitable that they encroach, attack and counter attack. The line and surface of contact always change its form and position following the power balance between the groups. The boarder between them would never be nailed still. There is no cause. The Wright or the Cause does not exist. It is the fact why our history lessons are so sterile. 
The primate had had the hunting and collecting life for two and a half millions years just as all the other animals. Then our ancestors, the human race established the agricultural life. The agriculture was the first step of our civilization and the civilization became the culture. It was about ten thousand years ago.
The agriculture is based on the seeding and the harvesting. Therefore our ancestors had to handle the forecasting of the seasons and weather. Hot or cold summer, warm or severe winter and rainy or dry weather: they had the same problems what we are having today. The one who showed the measures and actions for the technique of cultivation took the leader’s position and gradually became the king. Ruler, controller, order and compulsion, this series made the pyramid formed classes in our society: monarch, its family, vassals and slaves. This was in a way natural development. The confliction between the groups lead by the kings is war. So the war is not unusual state but usual daily state.
The ones who did fight and killed each other were slaves and prisoners. Unfortunately they considered being soldiers as the way of life to get clothes, food, shelter to sleep and wages. No slaves or prisoners fought for their ruler. They had to fight otherwise they were killed by their enemy. And they needed wages. The history of wars and battles has been the history of the mercenary and the serfs. Even today, both in the developed and under developing countries, to be a soldier is considered a clever alternative to quit from the poorness. Being a professional soldier or officer is respected in the modern society.
Even though our modern society has been industrialized and is worldwide united, its basic structure is just as the old days. We are having the pyramided and obviously gapped classes in the both domestic and international community. The leaders, the rulers must firmly keep this structure. They do not hesitate to set the forces, the violence upon us. Following with the development of our history, this tendency accelerated towards more armed violence. The sacrifice had been inevitable ceremony in old days. Today we meet the suicide bombings, modern form of the sacrifice. The victims of the nuclear power plant accidents also are another form of the sacrifice forced by the modern society. Tomorrow we might meet Fukushima people as terrorists.