Short short with English summary                         

民主主義国家であろうが無かろうが、政治があり、政権があり、権力がある。権力者は独りで、そこに権力が集中している。 近年、権力者の年齢はやや若返ってきた。 しかし、全体としては、老人が多く、特に元首には老人が多い。そこで、世界の危機に顔を出すのは老人が多い。 第一次・第二次世界大戦を想い出しても、ひどいものだ。 老人は、思考能力・判断能力が不確かである。独断専行性が激しい。 歩くのも覚束無い、お爺さんお婆さんが砂利トラのアクセルを踏んでいるようなものだ。 危なくてしょうがない。 だいたい、いつ死ぬかも分からない人に、大事なことを任せるのは、任せるほうも悪い。 我々には、せめて、老人たちの知性と健康の程度を知る権利がある。 彼らの、健康状態・病歴・日常常備薬は常に継続的に、公開されるべきだ。これは、若き権力者にも言えることだ。
個人に権力を任せるのはリスクが大きい。 権力者三人制というのはどうだろうか。 任期を三期に分けて、三分の一期ごとに、一人去り、一人加える。選挙では、去る人一人と新たに加わる人一人を選ぶというのはどうだろう。米国の上院議員は、三分の一づつ、我国の参議院議員は、半分ずつ入れ替えてきた。 政治条件・支配環境・権力均衡を総取替えする、現状主流の選挙方式は、良くない。そもそも、我々の生活は昨日・今日・明日・・・と、つながり、子供たちは、日々、成長しているのだ。年金も健康保険も家のローンも、30年以上の社会の安定を前提にしなければ成り立たない。
任期を2年・3年・4年と、12ヶ月で区切るのも間違っている。 人間の感覚・感情は、季節によって左右される。 選挙を、何時も同じ季節にせず、色々な季節にすれば、我々の判断力がより豊かに、より弾性のあるものとなる。 たとえば、三分の一任期を15ヶ月(1年3ヶ月)、一任期45ヵ月として、一人加えて、一人止めさせる選挙を、1年3ヶ月ごとにしたら良い。
民主主義は、多数決すなわち大多数の意見・意向に従う。 大衆の動向は変化が激しい。緩やかな変化が待ちきれない、短気なところがある。 テロリズムは、その極点である。しかし、世界はそう簡単・即刻に変えられる物ではない。 歴史上の大革命では、このタイムラグ・ギャップへの無知・無理解により、無用の虐殺、そしてゆり戻しの復讐的殺戮を繰り返してきた。 15ヶ月毎という、比較的に短期に、権力中心の三分の一づつを取り替えるのは、経験も引き継がれ、大衆の今日の意向も反映される、怪我・痛みの少ない政治システム・形態ではなかろうか。

The impatient folks
All the nations, democratic or not, they must have political systems with their regimes. A regime is driven by a single person. Recently the powered persons are getting younger. But as a whole, the powered political persons in the world are old. Especially the heads of states are often very old. Therefore when our world meets crisis, we find so many old national representatives. I remember the time of World War I and World War II. The fates of us were doomed by very old people. The old people are unsteady and uncertain in thoughts and decisions. Their imagination is stiff, not rich enough. They like not to listen to other opinions. It resembles to a big heavy lorry driven by an old person who can scarcely stand on its own feet. Very dangerous. It is our fault to let such old people who could die at any moment lead our world. At least we have the right to know their health and intelligence level. Their health conditions, medical career and daily medicine intakes ought to be open for public. Naturally this principle should also be applied to younger national leaders.
Letting a single person to hold the political power is risky. I may suggest that it could be a good alternative letting three persons having political power. And their tenues should be divided into three terms. After a third of their tenues, one person leaves the position followed by another one. The election chooses one person to go and one person to come. In USA, at an election, they change a third of the members of the senates. In Japanese system, a half of the members of House of Councilors have been exchanged. Today’s election system changing all the political circumstances, the governing structure and the power balance, does not work for our real life. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, our life is continual. Children grow day by day. The welfare systems such as health care, pension and also loan system for dwellings cannot work if our society would not be stabile for 30 years.
A period of tenues should not be termed after years. Our psychology is affected by the nature, by the weather and by the season. If we do not elect always at one and same season then we would judge with richer and more elastic thoughts. For example, a period of tenues could be for 45 months, 3 years and 9 months. At a third of a period, at each 15 months, we let one go out and a new one come in. I.e. the election should be held each one and a third year.
The principle of Democracy is that the decision follows the popular will. The will of majority. Folks change their mind often and drastically. They are impatient. They crave for immediate response from the system in which they live. The terrorism is the extreme example. But the worlds we live in cannot metamorphose. In our history, all the revolutions and contra revolutions have had uselessly killed many people. We have never learned these time lags.
A political system with three states’ heads and an election system with a head in and a head out at rather frequent votes, the interval of 15 months, could make possible to carry on experiences and the up to date will of folks could quickly reflect to the way of community. Perhaps we might consider this alternative form as a better and realistic system.