Short short with English summary                              

採算が取れるとは、どういうことだろう。 米国では、株主を満足させることであり、半期、四半期といった極短期の決算成績を採算というらしい。 人口の大部分は株主ではないので、米国流の採算性が、米国国民の生活安定、水準向上に連動する訳が無い。そして、巨大銀行・巨大企業は、目先の利益・金儲けに走り、詐欺まがい行為を恥じず、失敗して破産し、それは、世界経済を直撃する。
教育・医療・年金・福祉機構とか、公共交通機関の経営を、単純明快に経済行為として捉えることに無理を感じ、不当性・不道徳性を感じるのは、自然だろう。 しかし、TV・新聞・地下鉄車内の宣伝広告、あるいは新聞週刊誌の特集記事・紙面、等、我々の身辺は、教育・進学予備校・医療・保険・の広告・情報で満ちているのが現状だ。 今、世界は、国家間・大企業間から個人経営者の世界にいたるまで、あらゆるレベルで、採算性の追求にしのぎを削っていることが良く分る。
国家の破産とは、税収減、貿易赤字、国債債務支払不能、すなわち、食料・エネルギー達・医療・教育に要する資金欠乏を意味し、国民の、肉体・生命的飢餓を、そして、人生の希望を失い精神的飢餓をもたらすことだ。 国家の意味が、権力保持者に象徴されている限り、権力保持者は、権力喪失・国家犯罪者の刻印・投獄・・・への道程から逃れんがため、必死に破産を避ける。
企業の健全な成長・発展には、厳しい努力が求められるが、不思議なことに、国家経営では、よりイージーで即効性を約束する、領土拡張・隣国侵入に走る。 もし、現代社会に、道徳・正義の概念が未だ生き残っているとしたら、民間・個人レベルにおける、麻薬関連産業、人身・臓器販売、賭博産業と、国家レベルにおける、隣国侵略は、同じように不道徳であり、正義の敵であり、国民のに不幸をもたらす。 現代社会は、犠牲者に満ち、増え続けている。

It goes without saying that private enterprises are the act of economy. To manage and to run educational institutes, public services, medication systems, insurances, pension systems, cities, townships and nations are also the act of economy. If the activity cannot keep its profitability, it goes bankrupt.
What is the profitability? In US, it seems meaning to satisfy shareholders by giving high return. A period of the account settlement is short, a quarter of the account year or a half of the account year, i.e. for 3 or 6 months. Since the majority of US population is not shareholders, this profitability would not synchronize to the happiness or to the better life of US population. The big banks and corporations are chased to hunt their profitability and often apply high risk high return strategy. When they fail their business they go bankrupt. The bankrupt hits all over the world within a day and provoke chains of bankrupts which hit many of us.
It is natural to feel unacceptable and immoral that to manage and to run educational institutes and medical or social welfare services is simply the clear act of economy. But we see every day advertisements for schools, hospitals and insurances. It proves that private companies and huge enterprises in all sectors are hunting for a better profitability.
A nation can go bankrupt. No sufficient tax income, continuous trade deficit and no capability to return the interest of the national bond would lead no financial possibility to supply food and energy and insufficient capital for the investment in medical and educational facilities, i.e. bankrupt. For the population of a nation, the bankrupt of their nation physically means the hunger, starve to death and spiritually means to lose all their hopes. As far as kings and presidents keep the power to reign and represent their nation, they have to avoid the national bankrupt that leads losing the position, power, imprisonment and perhaps to the capital sentence.
For the private enterprises to keep their sound development, continuous hard and serious endeavors are the only way. For the management of nations to avoid their bankrupt, ridiculously and unbelievably, the governments take the easiest and quick resulting strategies i.e. to expand their territorial boarders and infiltrating to the neighbor nations. If our world still keep and believe the existence of the moral and the justice, those national policies are just as immoral and injustice as the driving narcotic enterprises, the human trades and the gambling industries driven by the private enterprises. The world today is full of victims and the victims are increasing.