Short short with English summary                              


あたりまえのことだが、世界中どこでも、宗教施設・総本山の、出自・縁起・目的には、いかがわしさがあり、すくなくとも、現代人の歴史知識・歴史観でつまびらかに出来ない部分が一杯ある。それでも、伊勢神宮は、世界史的には、比較的に新しい宗教施設なので、出自・縁起・目的が、素朴で、わかりやすい。一方、建築としては、大変完成度の高く、決して素朴なデザインとは言えない。そこで、伝承・神話と建築物との間には、分離感・不連続性・不自然さが目立つことになる。 日本の神話は、長い間の伝承の産物であり、多くの人々が関わっているわけだが、部族の権威保持、正当性を立証するには、随分苦労しただろう。しかし、あの複雑さ、楽しさは、ギリシャ神話と並んで、世界一である。

神道神話の神々の名は、漢字の当て字、万葉仮名で記される。 日々、日本語を使い、日本語で考える私には、中国から漢字が完璧に完成された形で輸入され、文字のなかった日本が、文字を使う日本になった時期の物証としての伊勢神宮は、実に興味深い。それも、漢字の原点・本質である象形・象徴性を無視し、捨て去って、音標記号として使用するという、大手術をした。 といっても、記録に残っているのが西暦600年代だからといって、その頃突然、一気に日本語の文字化が行われたというのは不自然である。文字化は、大陸文化との、長い交流のあいだに、時間をかけて行われたはずだ。
日本語文字化で連想されるのは、万葉集・古事記だ。 古事記が日本書紀とともに、官製・お手盛り感を否めないのに対し、万葉集には興味深い諸点がある。
文字のない言葉が伝達され、記録性を持つには、伝承・口伝えに寄る他はない。 歌は覚えやすい。 記憶・伝承・繰り返しには、歌によるのが一番だ。 感情・情報の伝達を和歌の定型的形式にまとめたのではなく、日本語を伝承・伝達するのに適した歌唱・音韻構成が、和歌と称ばれるっようになった、というべきだろう。
500首。詠み人は、中央上層階級から地方下級官吏まで。地方方言も使われている。 つまり、東北南部から九州までから集められた歌集というのは、驚くべきことだ。

複雑な形状で、数の多い漢字から字義。象徴性を取り除き、日本語の音韻に当てるという作業は、不自然で、容易ではない。 中央権力からの指示布告を読みこなし、白村江の敗戦に直接に関わった世代のバイリンガルの知識人が万葉仮名を作り使いこなした、ということだ。 これは、古事記の作成環境についても同様だろう。

According to the official version of Japanese Shinto, The Ise Shrine and the Izumo Taisha are the roots of all Shinto shrines in Japan. It is quite interesting that both of them have forms of domestic buildings, residents in big scale.
The cathedrals, temples and shrines in the world have their own historical back ground often written and kept as the holy documents. There we find many irrational unscientific stories for us. But it is natural and nothing to argue. The Ise Jingu is a rather new religious facility in the world history. So the purpose and back ground of the shrine are not so diffuse. They are naïve but interesting. The shrine is a much refined architecture even for us today. Therefore in a way the contents of written document mismatch the fine shrine.
In the myth of the Shinto there are many gods. Old Japanese people had to find how to write the names of their Gods. When Japanese met the Chinese character they utilized it as the phonetic symbols. The Chinese character has been a pictograph, not a phonogram. The phonogram is the most common way to write which most of the people in the world use today. In Chinese character, each letter means its own physical or metaphysical phenomenon with one phonetic sound. Even today the system is alive and in use by Chinese people. The Japanese writing system has been very complicated with the Chinese character and phonogram letter mixed system.
The time when Japanese met the Chinese character, the character was perfectly developed and had already been used for 1,500 years. This system and the letters are approximately 3,000 years old by today. When Japanese people utilized the Chinese character, they did a bold operation: the most principal and essential part, the letter system as a pictograph, a sort of icons, was thrown away. Only their phonetic function was left. As to express the language of Japanese, some 50 basic sounds are required. The Chinese character system consists of more than 10,000 symbols. Each time when a Japanese word was written, one character from these 10,000 symbols was picked up, arbitrarily without any thought of standardization. It must have taken a long time to establish a written Japanese style. The result was difficult and clumsy. This system is called “Man-you-gana”.
There are two well-known old written Japanese documents, “Man-you-shuu” and “Koji-ki”. Both of them have been estimated the oldest documents written in the period when Japanese without letter system turned to the language with letters. This primitive clumsy “Man-you-gana” developed to “Hira-gana” and “Kata-kana” of today.
If a language had no letter system but still had to maintain the basic functions of the language; to communicate, to register and to be remembered, the only way left is by the oral tradition. To sing a song is an easy natural way to remember and to repeat sentences. “Man-you-shuu” is a big collection of poetry. The collection consists of 4,500 long and short poems. They were written by many different class people. There were even soldiers sent to the front line to defend Japan.
How could they manage “Man-you-gana”? The natural conclusion is that they must have been bilingual, well trained bilingual. Their daily life was to feel and think in Japanese and also to read orders and regulations from the central government written in Chinese. The official business language was Chinese those days. Perhaps it might be somehow a similar situation in Philippines today or the situation in Finland up to the 19th century.
The official common and business languages are Indo-European today. Can we modern Japanese become bilingual as skillful as our old ancestors?