Short short with English summary$B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(B

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Facade, face of building
The value of a building can$B!G(Bt be judged by its facade, looks, design or decoration.
A good hospital means there we expect to be well cured and with high probability to come back as a healthy person. A good school means there our children would get sound education. And at a good restaurant we enjoy its delicious food, the good service and the reasonable prices.
But, we judge things based on the information, the information through our senses as seeing, smelling and hearing and so on. And those organs such as eyes mouth and nose are placed concentrated in the facade of our body. It might be said that we recognize the part as facade where eyes, mouth and nose placed.
The visual information is the most important and effective. The magnificent antlers, the gorgeous tail of peacock prove how the nature considers the importance of the visual information. In our modern world, the advertisement of the fashion industry and the cosmetic industry take the most of the space of TV sending and other mass media.
The restoration of the old main building of Tokyo Central Station has been completed recently. It was 100 years ago in 1914 when the station building was built. But the original building was destroyed at the end of the War$B-6(B, 1945. So only for 30 years the station had kept its form and function as designed. And for 70 years the station has been a sort of provisional station. For 30 years the station had been the central station of Empire of Japan meant as to serve the Emperor. So the main entrance was just for the Emperor. The entrances for the common passengers were located at the both ends of the building. After the world W$B-6(B, for 70 years the main entrance has been kept its former function, never opened for the common use. Perhaps nobody bothered.
I made a short visit to the station. I was curious about how the face and function of the new station building adjusted regarding usage of the entrance. Are there some new concept? It was exactly as it has been. I could see how the architects in the new generation after 100 years, thought or didn$B!G(Bt think.
Not so far from the Tokyo Central Station there is the Diet Building, the national assembly halls. The Diet Building has also a magnificent entrance in the middle of the facade just under the central tower. But for whom?