Short short with English summary$B!!(B

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Cherry blossoms in Stockholm
One of the first cherry blossoms in Tokyo you can see in the Hibiya Park in the central part of inner city of Tokyo. It is around the 20th of March. But the main wave of the blossoms reaches the Tokyo region around the 5th of April. Since I live in an area with gorgeous cherry blossoms, I have enjoyed them for many years, both in the early cool fresh mornings and in the warm mild evenings. This season I couldn$B!G(Bt do it since I was not in Tokyo. I was in Stockholm for 60 days. But in Stockholm there were also cherry blossoms. Probably some one hundred years ago, it was popular to plant cherry trees. I meet single huge cherry tree at unexpected points, a corner of a private garden or on a road side. The blossoms of these trees come in the middle of May, and the white blossoms would give a lot of cherries.
In the center of Stockholm city there is a park named $B!H(BKungstraedgaarden$B!I(B, $B!H(BThe king$B!G(Bs garden.$B!I(B The park is facing to, the House of Parliament, The Palace, The Opera. About 10 years ago, Japanese cherry trees were planted in this park and established cozy alleys. The cherry blossoms are rather strong pink. They were in full bloom in the end of April.
Apart from the cherry fruit trees, the Japanese cherry-blossom-trees are not so common in the world. Washington US and Berlin Germany have Japanese cherry blossom parks. The cherry blossoms in Washington are pinkish white and in Berlin are strong pink.
In Japan, traditionally the cherry blossom seeing has been the big and important spring event. All kinds of groups; families, job mates, students or neighbors gather under the blossoms and enjoy feasting a lot, rather noisy lively fest.
The cultural patterns are different and people behave differently in the world. But, in Stockholm, in Washington or in Berlin people feel happy to see cherry blossoms for the blossoms come at a very good timing just after the long winter, the time when people are longing for the arrival of the spring. Thus the Japanese cherry blossoms are very popular in these countries.
Today, the Japanese export industries; shipbuilding, cars, IT parts and equipments; none of them is promising. Working hard to develop and sell $B!H(BGame machines$B!I(B, $B!H(BGame-softs$B!I(B, $B!H(BMangas$B!I(B and $B!H(BNinjas$B!I(B might be one of the alternatives to export. But trying to introduce to the world Japanese cherry blossoms could be another alternative.
Perhaps the old and nearly forgotten motto $B!H(BThe peace of the world$B!I(B might awake by the Japanese cherry blossoms.