Short short with English summary                                    

$B$3$N5\EB$KNY@\$9$k>kLg$O!"(BPorta Nuova $B!J?7$7$$>kLg!K$HL>IU$1$i$l!"#1#5#3#5G/!"%*%9%^%s%H%k%3Dk9q$K@jNN$5$l$F$$$?%A%e%K%9$r!"?@@;%m!<%^Dk9qO"9g$,!5-G0Hj$G$9!#!!K\2H$r%&%$!<%s$N%O%W%9%V%k%02H$H$9$k%9%Z%$%s!&%+%k%m%9-5@$!JM-L>$J%+%k%k-9@$$HF10l?MJ*!K$,3.@{%Q%l!<%I$r$7$?3.@{Lg$G$9!#!!@o$C$?Aj$J!"%9%l%$%^%s-5@$$G$9!#(B

Human images
Palermo stands on a gentle slope running down to Mar Tirreno.  In Palermo many historic points, interesting streets and markets are concentrated in an old part of the city.  The width of the area is 1km and the length, from the coast towards the hills, is 2km, just a good size to promenade.  You can imagine the joy of sightseeing at a glance over the map of the city, since rather narrow streets are winding through small irregular blocks with many nicely located small squares.
There are two straight streets crossing each other at the centre of the old city.  The old city with delicately curving streets and houses is cut rather boldly into four pieces.   The street that runs from the coast up to the hill side begins at Porta Felice, and terminates at Porta Nuovo.  Carlos the 1st, Karl the 5th of the Hapsburgs, paraded here after the victory over the Ottoman Empire at Tunis.  The Ottoman$B!G(Bs Emperor at the time was also the famous Suleiman the 1st.  His troops were nearly reaching Wien at that very moment.  Carlos the 1st must have been so happy, therefore today we meet those huge half naked Turkish soldiers standing and bearing the gate.
Porta Nuovo is introduced in tourist guide books not so well but I am deeply impressed because of the figures.  Arc de Triomphe in Paris has also reliefs.  Do you remember them? 
In the townscape of Palermo, we meet many human figures, faces or masks which give quite strong impression to us.  It is said that Islamic culture bans human figures, forbids $B!H(BIdolatry$B!I(B.  We don$B!G(Bt meet human figures on the walls at the mosques.   It is in a way sympathetic. Isn$B!G(Bt it?