Short short with English summary                                    

$B$o$,9q$N9q2N$O!"!V7/$,Be!W$@!#CzG+$K2N$*$&$H!"2N;l$N0U$rA[$$$J$,$i2N$&$H!"9M$($5$;$i$l$k$H$3$m$,$"$k!#!!$7$+$7!"1Q9q9q2N$O!"!V(BGod Save the Queen$B!W$G!"!V?@$h!"2f$i$,=w2&JE2<$r$* $B2f!9$,!"9q2N$H9q4z$r?H6a$K46$8$k$N$O!"$J$s$H$$$C$F$b%*%j%s%T%C%/!&%o!<%k%I%+%C%W$H$$$C$?!"9q:]E*%9%]!<%DBg2q$@!#!!B6$N;~$K2N;l$N0UL#$r9M$(!"G:$`?M!9$O$"$^$j$$$J$$!#!!$?$7$+!"%*%j%s%T%C%/$GM%>! $B$7$+$7!"M%>!l$NBg2hLL$K!"$=$N2N;l$r?t%v9q8l$KLu$7$F!"I=<($7$?$i!"@$3&J?OB$K6a$E$1$k$+$b!)!)!)!#(B

National anthem
The 23rd of November was a national holiday. The 23rd of December is also a national holiday. The 23rd of December is $B!H(BEmperor$B!G(Bs Birthday$B!I(B. The 23rd of November was a national Shinto holiday, the day when the Emperor tasted the new harvest of rice. After the War$B-6(B, the day has been renamed $B!H(BLabor Day$B!I(B. The 3rd of November was $B!H(BEmperor Meiji$B!G(Bs Birthday$B!I(B, today renamed $B!H(BCulture Day$B!I(B. Culture Day ????. Anyway, the nation celebrates those days therefore they are national holidays.
The national anthem of Japan is $B!H(BKimigayo: Our dynasty$B!I(B. When I sing our national anthem sincerely, I ponder over its text. But the national anthem of UK is $B!H(BGod Save the Queen$B!I(B. (Not legal anthem but anyhow!). The national anthem of France is $B!H(BLa Marseillaise$B!I(B with terribly bloody text.
The occasions when we feel us close to the national anthem and national flag are at the Olympic Games or at the World Cup. Then, none of us ponders over the text and hesitates to sing. There were such cases but very seldom. We common people wave our national flag, without questions. It might be rather same phenomena that Japanese worship the sun rise, especially New Year$B!G(Bs sun rise. Nobody call us Shinto believers, extreme nationalists after this cultural pattern.
But it could be a good idea that, at the victory ceremony of big sports games, to project the text of the national anthem on a large screen. Would we become better friends?