Short short with English summary                                    

多くの植物は、昆虫・鳥・動物の助けを借りねば存在も繁殖もできません。それにもかかわらず、植物は周りの自然環境の変化を待ってから、次のステップを踏み出すということはしません。それぞれ、皆、自分のリズムで、気温・日照時間の変化を頼りに、季節に対応した姿を纏います。自然環境が、間違いなく必要に応える活動をするものと確信しているようです。  周囲の様子を伺ったり、話し合ったりは一切しないで自分の道を定めて歩む、”Individualist”ですね。  実は、自然界の仕組みそのものが”Individualists”の集合で、皆、必死になって自分の道を探している、何のことはない、ダーヴィンの進化論です。
我々、人類の仲間内だけが、G5・G7・G20あるいは、どう謂う訳かローマ会議とよばれる無数の国際会議など、話し合っては、自然の秩序を乱しています。  もがき・のたうち、どうやら地球の舞台を最初に去るのは、我々のようです。  ・・・”individualist”を、個人主義者・利己主義者としてある辞書がありますが、これは、誤り。・・・
Karuizawa is perhaps the most well known resort area in Japan, situated 150km northwest of Tokyo, a plateau 1,000m above sea level. There is Mt. Asama, 2,500m high, a very active volcano. Next to Mt. Asama, there is a small hill, 1,250m high. I trekked to the top of this hill. The town is 950m high, so the elevation is actually 300m. But still it was 300m up hill to walk. My interest was to find some mushrooms. I found none but a lot of chestnuts on the ground. Many trees still had green leaves while some others were already beautiful with autumn colored leaves. The season was just turning. The only flowers I found were Monkshoods’, known as deadly poisonous.
Plants take next step after the change of the temperature and the hours of sunlight. They do not wait and see how the other plants and animals behave, even if their existence vitally depends on the activities of the others’. It seems plants are very confident that the nature acts exactly as they want and expect. Plants are individualists. They decide and act by themselves. In a way, it might be said that the nature consists of individualists. These individualists are constantly struggling for finding better way to survive. I.e. Charles Darwin’s the theory of evolution.
We, human beings, are the only group having innumerous conferences, and are continuing organized crimes to disturb the order of the nature.
Certainly we are the first actors to fade away from the stage: The Globe.