北欧グループ旅行 2 フィンランド
フィンランドは、極く最近まで農林業を主産業とした、貧しい国でした。今日では、Linux・NOKIAに代表される世界のIT産業のリーダーです。 世界経済フォーラム(WEF)によれば、フィンランドの国際競争力は2001年以降連続してトップの座をしめています。
A group tour 2 "Finland"
We took a cruise "Stockholm-Helsinki-Stockholm".
Departure Stockholm 5 pm. Arrival Helsinki
9:30 am. Helsinki sightseeing. Departure
Helsinki 5 pm. Arrival Stockholm 9:30 am.
It was a well condensed compact 40 hours. June in Scandinavia has no dark night. 5 o'clock in the afternoon is still under bright
sunshine. Our cruiser sailed through the archipelago in the mirror calm sea, beautifully
illuminated by clear afternoon sunlight. After 5 hour's sailing, the boat approached
another archipelago. It was Finland. There was a town. Here, the autonomy of Aaland,
the town is Mariehamnn, people speak Swedish and it is also the official language, not
Finish. This autonomy is very close to an independent nation with its own flag. Our big
cruiser was registered under Mariehamnn. In Finland, 6% of the population speaks
Swedish. Swedish is the second official language of Finland.
Finish, the language, is totally and completely different from Swedish or Russian. The
difference, I mean, is just so far as the difference between Japanese and English, i.e.
nothing in common. Finish is very similar to Estonian, belongs to a same language
group as Hungarian. People in Finland have the same foreign language difficulty as we
Japanese have. At street crossings in Helsinki we find the street names in the two
official languages, Finish and Swedish.
Today, there are many examples that a group
of people with one language, one culture,
is forced to be in another nation with another
language. Many of these cases, the subordinate
group is treated unfairly often beginning
with the forced principle of one nation one
official language. The people of Kurd with
a population of 25 millions or 30 millions
are cut into pieces and forced to subordinate
to, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Armenia.
For these nations, Kurd does not exist or
are invisible. Our modern and contemporary
history has been driven by the principle
of the money-power-supremacy. This principle
used to be called the religious, humanism
and civilization mission. The aborigines
in the North and South America were just
neglected or were the object of genocide.
In Africa, people were transported to anywhere
just as the livestock after the economic
interests. People, land and resources were
nothing but private properties. Even in EU,
we have the supremacy problems. Just some
examples: Basque, Corsica and Ireland.
Since Finland has always been tangent to
Sweden or Russia, the history of Finland
has met a long series of colonization. But
Finland has kept her will to be independent
or to be autonomous and whenever possible
tried to be oneself. Perhaps the severe climate
and not so highly estimated natural resource
value degraded neighbors' greediness. Until
quite recent years, Finland was a rather
poor nation with its industries based on
forestry and agriculture. Today, Finland
is a leading country in the world based on
IT industries. Everybody knows Linux and
NOKIA. According to WEF, Finland has been
ranked the top in the list of economic competitive
power among the nations, every year since
2001. Japan is ranked to the 9th and Germany
is 15th. Finland's high level of basic obligatory
education is known. Finland is a little country
with a population of 5,200,000, with a strange
language, not a slight resemblance to the
neighbors', has been kept two official languages
and is trying to give official language statuses
to other two minority groups, Russians and
the polar nomads. Finland might be a model
for building up the new order of our democratic