シュノーケルを付けて、ゆっくり海面に浮いていて気が付いたのですが、魚達は向こうか ら近寄ってきます。好奇心でしょうか、それとも、ちょっと食べてみようというのでしょうか。数匹のこともあれば、魚群のこともあります。体長数センチのから、数十センチのまで、時には数百数千匹の魚影の塊が手の届く近さで私の回りを旋回します。
30年も前のことですが、オマーンで都市計画の仕事をしました。ペルシャ湾とインド洋・アラビア海の境、マトラの海岸では、1m近い体長の魚群に囲まれたことがあります。その時にはゴム紐ハープの銛を持っていました。すぐ目の前にぎっしりと泳いでいるので、 撃てば必中かと思いきや、瞬時に身をかわされ、夕食のおかずにはなりませんでした。今回、コタキナバルの海で、小魚の群れが飛ぶのを見ました。追われて水面上30センチほ どを一団となって2−3mも飛行する、彼らにとっては必死の逃亡が、連続した虹のようで素晴らしく綺麗でした。
シュノーケルで泳ぐのは、やっと背の立つ深さから2m位のところです。海の底がよく見えて、あわよくば、貝などを拾うのに苦労しないようにです。海面下だけではなく、海浜・ジャングル、周囲の景色をもゆっくり見ようと、私は、丁度首までの深さのところで立っていました。すると、ツンツン・コンコンと私の足をつつくものがあります。たった今まで眺めていた海底に立っているのですから、泳ぎ寄ってきた魚にちがいありません。足を振っても、又すぐにツンツン・コンコン。いささかわずらわしくなって、浜に上がりまし た。

Little Jaws
When I was snorkeling, floating, I found fish were approaching me, not escaping from me. Could it be for curiosity or for a trial to taste me? The fish could be a few, could be a lot in shoals, could be sometimes only few cm in length, sometimes nearly 1m. It could happen hundreds or thousands of them circulating around me within my reach.
Thirty years ago, I had a mission in Sultanate of Oman to do a town planning. In the sea of Matrah's beach, the opening of Persian Gulf to Arabian Sea, I was in the midst of a shoal of big fish of 1m averages in length. I had an elastic cord driven spear. Since the shoal was so close around me, I thought I could shoot and would never miss a fish. But they were very smart and quick, no fish for my dinner. This time in the sea of Kota Kinabalu, I observed small fish flying. Probably being chased by bigger fish, the shoal was leaping over the sea surface, 30cm in the air and 2-3m in distances. Their desperate effort to run away was so beautiful for me as a series of rainbows. 
I used to snorkel just between the depth of able to stand and 2m. I like this depth for watching easily the sea bottom and picking up interesting objects. After I had enjoyed floating and watching in the water, I was standing on the coral bottom, for a change, watching the beach, jungle and people. I felt some thing knocking on my legs. The knockings were continuous and not so soft. Since I had just studied the area, it must be some kind of fish. I shook my legs, but I felt again the knockings. I got annoyed and left the point.
On the beach there was a nice buffet-styled restaurant in the cool shadow under a huge tree. I could take as much as I wanted at 750 jpyen. While carrying the dish I found I was breeding from my legs. The brood was running from shins and calves. And I could even clearly see tooth marks. The knockings were not just knockings. I determined to find the assailant. Since I could pinpoint the scene of the crime, I skipped my after lunch rest or napping and went immediately to the water with my snorkel.
I was determined but not so sure if I could really identify the assailant. I did not stand still but kept floating and looked around. It was not necessary to seek for. A fish of the size of two hands put together, with a shape of the sea bream, translucent, straightly approached me. I swung my arms. He turned away and returned to me. Obviously he was attacking me. For a moment I associated it with the famous "Piranha", but I regained my intelligence. It can't be a piranha. I continued the observation moving here and there. He was not solo. Several of the same kind of fish made sorties from a recess of a coral. There were many other smaller and larger fish, but they were the only ones stationed at the spot. Perhaps I was an invader to their territory.