コタ キナバル
突然思い立って、マレーシア・ボルネオ・コタ キナバルに行きました。 5日間・4万円少々・往復旅費・ホテル3泊朝食付という広告に釣られたのです。実際は、6万円近くになりましたが、それでも私の財布に合った出費でした。
コタ キナバルは、東京から南南西へ直線4千km、フィリッピンを越えてすぐの、ボルネオ島東北端に近いところにあります。九州島原から渡り、娼婦となった日本の女性達を主題とする、小説・映画の舞台、サンダカンは、コタ キナバルのほぼ真西200kmにあります。西欧文明との接触が、大英帝国あるいは、オランダ王国による植民地化という、大変不幸な形でなされた一帯になります。植民地時代と独立国家成立の境目には、大日本帝国による占領という一時期がありました。
ほぼ赤道直下のコタ キナバルは、丁度雨季が終り、乾季が始まるところでした。気温は35度前後と、さほどのことはないのですが、シャツを通して肌を刺す、陽射しは極めて厳しく、空から畳針が降り注ぐようでした。気持ちの良い散歩は朝の9時まで、あるいは日が沈んでからになります。ボルネオ島は、有名なオランウタンをはじめ動植物・自然景観の豊かなことで知られています。しかし、今回は突発的気まぐれ・下準備なしの旅で、正味二日間の短さなので、ビーチ・シュノーケル・海を楽しむことに専念しました。
コタ キナバルの街から定員8人の高速ボートで10分・20分のところに素晴らしい海浜の小島がいくつかあります。船賃は、往復17リンギット・500円です。船は、同方向の島への乗客が8人集まると出発します。帰りも同じ船頭・同じ船が迎えに来ます。つまり、船頭の売上は、一便4000円ですね。乗客達は、帰りの便の時刻を皆で民主的に話し合って決めてから乗り合うことになります。船に乗り込むと、シュノーケルを一つづつ手渡されました。無料で借りられるのかなというのは、誤解でした。全員に行き渡ったことが確認されると、20リンギットの有料であることが判明しました。

Kota Kinabalu
Suddenly I made up my mind and took a short vacation at Kota Kinabalu, Sabah state in Malaysia.  I was lured by an advertisement: 45,000 Jpyen, 5 days, flights+3 nights in a deluxe class hotel with breakfasts. Actually my expense finally went up to 60,000 yen but still within the size of my budget.
This short vacation was triggered off by the coincidence, that the cherry blossoms in Tokyo started much earlier than normal average year, I live just next to these famous cherry blossom areas as "Chidorigahuchi Park" and "Yasukuni Shrine" and I have wished to escape from the "Ohanami uproar", and the schedule of the journey accurately fitted to my purpose.
The location of Kota Kinabalu is south-southwest of Tokyo, 4,000km over the Philippines, northeast end of Borneo Island.
This area of the world unfortunately happened to meet the western civilization being colonized either by the British Empire or by Kingdom of the Netherlands. And there was a period between the colonized era and the independence, when Japanese Empire occupied the area.
Kota Kinabalu is situated slightly north of the equator (N.L.6 degree). It was the beginning of the dry season after the rainy season. The temperature was around 35 Celsius, not so terribly hot. But the sunrays were sharp. I felt a bunch of extra size needles pierced my skin through my shirt. A whitish or light colored shirt was useless. Fresh and fine promenades are possible only early morning before 9 am or after 6 pm. The very rich nature of Borneo/Kalimantan is famous. Orang Utan. Rafflesia flower. Mount Kinabalu. And a lot more. But this time my trip was just an impulsive 3 days without studied plan. I concentrated on snorkeling to enjoy the clear seawater.
There are a few small islands with very nice beaches. It takes 10 to 20 minutes by high-speed boat, taking 8 passengers, leaving from the town harbor. A return ticket costs 17 MR (Malaysian Ringits), 500 yen. When 8 passengers to a same direction gather, the boat departs. The same boat and same boatman fetches them back. For him one tour gives 4000 yen. The fetching time is not fixed but must be fixed. Therefore the passengers, American, German, Italian, Swedish, Japanese, very international community has to discuss and come to agreement. Democratic! On the boat each of us got a snorkel. I thought it was free but was not free. The rental fee was 20 MR, 600 yen.
The first activity on the island, it was Manucan Island, was to protect my weak urban skin from the strong sunrays. I carefully put the sunburn protection cream all over my body, wondering if the cream might pollute the nature. Today this sort of the cream is very effective. You can achieve a clear significant pattern of sunburned skin exactly the same pattern as you smeared the cream.
A real deep green jungle formed a background and coulisses. Sparsely standing big trees gave cool shadows on a nice soft grass field. A white sand beach itself was not so wide. The sea had rather steep bottom giving easy steps for swimming depth. The water was very clear and not so cool but not at all warm. There were many different sorts, various sized fish swimming among the coral reefs. No fish is ugly, just beautiful. My bare soles did neither feel burning on the sand nor be stuck by the coral bottom. The beach length was approximately 500m with a few people. Good size. Ideal beach. I enjoyed snorkeling for a half day. When I returned back to the hotel, I really felt satisfied and tired out. I took a shower. I screamed. The lukewarm shower shocked me with a sharp burning unbearable pain. But I was very careful and thorough in my skin care against sun burning. I was totally sun burned. Not my back. Not my shoulders. I got damaged my top, my occiput.